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Hi! I'm Cindy

I live in a little bit of paradise, in the coastal town of Port Alfred in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.

I have three amazing children, two very intelligent boarder collies and two wonderful cats.

And blessed as I am, the truth is life gets hard.


I am a Healer and a Teacher, and I am passionate about both.

I am always learning, diving deeper into topics I know well, and trusting to go where the signs lead me down new paths.

This website is born from such guidance and though my small self feels trepidation's my higher self and all my guides have made themselves clear.

I have been teaching yoga for over 20 years and through this journey of self-discovery I evolved.

In 2006 I became a crystal healer and 10 years later I began to sell crystals too.

From 2006-2008 I also studied Aromatherapy, Acupressure, Color Therapy, Psychic development and Counselling.

In 2008 when Caleb, my eldest was born, it slowly began my journey into Sacred Feminine work.

My pregnancies and births tuned me into my body and its amazing ability to grow a human, to nurture and nourish and love more deeply than I knew possible.

And then the process of birthing each one so different from the last, so profound, painful, remarkable and life changing.

The day each of my babies was born I too was reborn like a phoenix more connected to my body, more in awe of my feminine power, more filled with unconditional love and light.

It has always been all too easy for me to access my higher chakras, but embodying this wisdom, this has taken a lot more time.

In 2011 while pregnant with Zach, my dreamy water sign boy I studied dream analysis and symbolism is a language I am always expanding upon.

Then while pregnant with my daughter Ella, after years of Hatha yoga I studied Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.

Kundalini Shakti is the most potent form of physical energy, and it is feminine in nature. As my daughter swelled in my womb so too did my desire (unconscious at first) to activate this energy, not only for myself but for the blooming babe within me.

I have also done in depth study on the Chakras from an energetic, psychological and physiological standpoint.


Ella’s birth accelerated the feminine symbolism and guidance and Before I knew it I was doing amazing Red Tent facilitator training in 2016.

I began running Red Tent women’s gatherings monthly in 2017 and it has been an amazing experience, for me and all the women in the group.

2019 saw my life long passion for Astrology accelerate into deep study and sharing that knowledge.

In 2022 I started publishing my courses on Udemy.

My most recent phoenix process has been the hardest, and that is releasing the enabler in me and in so doing leaving my marriage. This has broken me open for a very profound rebirth and as excruciating as it has been and still is I am grateful for the growth and insight it has offered. All of these experiences allow me to be of greater service.

I like to be the guide from the side and encourage each of us to be the sage on our own stage.

It is important to trust your own intuition above all else. If something resonates with you take it on board, if not let it go.

I look forward to being part of your journey and having you be part of mine.

If you want to get in touch, please submit a message below or email me at


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