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Writer's pictureCindy

Its my party I can cry if I want to…

Today my baby girl turns 7. The old adages are true, ‘it goes so fast’, ‘it feels like the blink of an eye’.

Of course, during those sleepless new born days it feels anything but fast.

You are so exhausted it feels a little like a dream.

Now I wish I could recall with more clarity and focus, but it is more surreal and dreamlike, all smells and kisses and soft warmth, heart fit to burst with love, curled little fists as they suckle on your breast.

Magical, but somehow unreal.

Well I digress in my sensory memory of my babies, but the real reason I decided to write this is that for years I have noticed I hit a low around my birthday.

I have seen it in so many clients, family and friends.

Today on the day of my daughter’s birth my body, is in a state of alert.

My psyche is overwhelmed with emotion, memory, highs and lows.

Pain and pleasure.

Even the things I don’t consciously remember of that day, my body remembers, and I hold the strong energetic imprinted memory.

My children’s birthdays are always very special to me, I am sure many of you can relate.

But, did you ever consider what the day of your own birth must hold?

Obviously, you can’t remember it, well, not consciously anyway.

But the energetic memory is there, your body does remember, your soul absolutely remembers.

There you were, floating in the perfect and temperate environment, the rhythmic thrumming of your mother’s heartbeat, your own fluttering alongside.

The white noise of your combined blood and body systems swishing and gurgling away.

Her voice, reaching you, the most melodic and magical lullaby.

Then, whether through the natural birthing process of being pushed and squished repeatedly by the home you have loved for many months, through an ever-narrowing passage and then suddenly out…

Or you were minding your own business when a pair of hands reached into your safe home and pulled you screaming and alarmed into a bright room with sharp smells and loud sounds.

It was cold and aggressively contrasting to your warm floaty womb room.

You Soul is a huge, expansive light body that enters your body before you are born, but it too has this soft entry into this safe environment.

Once you are born gravity drags down on you and I am sure most of our soul’s think we have made a big mistake.

But now we are stuck, in this tiny little body, which we don’t yet know how to operate.

With needs we can only hope are met for us as we have no control over that either.

This is when we are closest to God, or Source, when we remember everything our Soul knows…

But then we forget, so busy learning how to be in our body, to get it to work, to be able to move, to communicate.

Learning, learning and more learning.

Each year as our birthday comes around, we are expected to rejoice and celebrate, even if we are feeling blue.

I do believe it is a time to celebrate, but I also believe we are feeling so flat because we ignore the gravitas of the literal day of our birth and the energetic imprint and impact it still has.

If we slow down in the lead up to our birthday, if we honour the feelings as they arise, if we feel into what our body needs.

If we allow for a sacred practice of remembering then the birthday blues need not start playing, or at least may not be the only music we hear.

The literal day of our birth is perhaps the biggest life transition, along with death we will ever experience and as such it demands to be honoured and remembered, not only in clelebration but also by ­re_­­membering (brining all the parts back together).

I think as a society we should work to have rituals for many things we have lost, in order to give them the honour they deserve.

Menarche, the first mensturation should be a ritual and celebration among the women as we welcome a girl to womenhood, honouring our boys as they become men.

Celebrating the seasons and the cycles, remembering the droughts, the famines, giving thanks for the rains and the harvest.

Re_member, honour both the shadow and the light, in order to draw back to us all the parts of ourselves.

Then we embody, then we find wisdom.

Perhaps it is that Mercury has just gone retrograde in Pisces that this needs to be written.

Happy Birthday my Baby Girl

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