Welcome to the shortest month of the year Rainbow Tribe.
Today we are going to talk about the 1st of the harvest festivals, Lughnasadh or Lammas. This is the seasonal transition or portal that begins to welcome in the Autumn as we enjoy the last throws of Summer.
Lugh is the Celtic sun god and nasadh means celebration, so Lughnasadh becomes a celebration to the sun god in old traditions.
In Christianity it was converted to Lammas, which means loaf mass and was also a celebration of the first harvest.
And so, to our theme;
Turning Within to Harvest our Gifts
Although most of us are not literally harvesting our crops this is still the ideal time to metaphorically do the same.
We can also benefit from harvesting our herbs or veggies, if we grow them in order to physically connect to the powerful energies of Lughnasadh.
For those who are working on your energetic housekeeping I will give you some ideas of how to work more deeply with this in my Spotlight Advice.
Astrology Buzz
The Sun has moved into Aquarius, Jan 20th – Feb 19th which has a revolutionary energy.
This coupled with the fact that for the first time in a very long time we have NO planets retrograding (until March 5th).
When all the planets are direct, we have an immense amount of forward momentum.
This would be a good time to ask yourself, how can I improve society and the world?
Aquarius is bigger than just you it is in service to humanity, so find a way to give of your gifts freely.
This can mean so many things…what does it mean to you?
As you go within and harvest these gifts you will know what it is you can offer your community at this time.
This takes us to Pisces, Feb 20th – Mar 20th the final sign of the zodiac. Neither Aquarius nor Pisces have good boundaries, so go with the flow while it is there for you. As usual we will be pulled back soon enough.
Also, all of 2019 has very strong Capricorn energy and Cappy is supremely structured. So, in these more expansive months you will still be able to get organized and get the job done, just more creatively and in a less linear way.
New Moon this month is on the 4th in the sign of Aquarius. Set intentions around community service in however big or small a way. Rather than being an armchair warrior, all talk and no action, TAKE ACTION.
I love that quote by the Dalai Lama, ‘If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.’
Next Red Tent’s;
Port Alfred evening group Monday 4th February.
Grahamstown afternoon group Tuesday 5th February.
Full Moon is on the 19th February in the sign of Virgo. As the month starts with almost manic enthusiasm which may swing from positive to negative by full moon, we may be feeling spent. Nourish yourself with this nurturing Virgo light. It is likely you have been through quite a transformative time by now and this is a power portal for Healing.
It is Chinese New Year
We move into the year of the Earth Pig, as the complete Chinese zodiac is a 60-year cycle this last occurred in 1959.
Pig’s strengths are prosperity, abundance, good fortune and wealth, while challenges may include laziness, indolence and self-indulgence.
So, Pig energy is a good time to find creative and new problem-solving ways to improve our finances.
Also, a good year (and this ties in with Aquarius energy for the month we are in the Aquarius Age) to look at what we can share freely that we love or are good at.
Crystal picks for February
Jade is a favorite of the Chinese and so appropriate for the year of the Pig. It is a wonderful crystal of abundance and wealth. The stone itself is soft and easily carved so you may well find jade figurines. I picked this stone as tool to help us reap the abundance of what we have sown. As I am mostly talking about the metaphorical seeds sown and the inner work tended, compassion is needed.
Clear Quartz then gives you the crystal-clear vision of how hard you have worked and how far you have come. Of coarse if you have not been tending your inner gardens and farmlands, this too will become crystal clear. EQ is becoming accepted as being more important than IQ and the kind of work to which I refer is the work that develops the Emotional Intelligence muscles. By seeing and accepting yourself for all that you are you learn to dilute your most challenging traits and to nurture the person you are growing into.
Contact me if you are looking for a mentor/coach/healer in this.
Garnet will help you through all this inner journeying to find your true passion, joy and enthusiasm for life. And once you find your bliss it will help access your creativity, courage and grit, so you can live it and love it. Garnet is the ultimate harvested cornucopia of abundance and passion.
Aromas of the month
Vetivert is a very sticky and heavy base note with a hard to describe scent. Kind of a resiny, waxy smell on its own but in a blend is really earthy.
I selected Vetivert this month to metaphorically stick the nourishment back into the land after harvest.
Self-care is of utmost importance if you expect to embody the lessons you have harvested.
Marjoram and Rosemary are very similar in action in many ways. Both are herb oils, making them great for the digestive system.
We need to digest and metabolise in order to embody life’s experiences, our choices, actions and so on.
They are also good for our memory so we can remember where we came from, what we have learnt and how we choose to move forward.
The main difference between the two, is that Rosemary raises blood pressure where Marjoram brings it down. This is not an issue for minor blood pressure fluctuations but should be considered if you have real blood pressure issues. Use the one over the other if you do.
Some blend ideas here would be:
3 drop Rosemary, 1 drops Vetivert or
1 drop Vetivert, 2 drops Lemongrass, 2 drops Marjoram or
4 drops Marjoram, 2 drops German Chamomile
Remember to write your blends in your blend book so you remember what you liked and what you didn’t.
Spotlight Advice
Tuning in to turning within to harvest our gifts
Lughnasadh is the point of the year when we can feel the seasonal pause as the sun becomes less intense and the days begin to shorten.
If at this point, we begin to turn our focus inwards, by the time we get to Autumn Equinox we are prepared to face the decent into the darkness, which takes us to Winter Solstice.
Though this sounds a little scary we are doing this cyclically each year whether we are conscious of it or not.
Think of how much we could harvest if we stopped resisting?
These suggestions will help you with exactly that.
1 Change it up: Ever notice how we dress in the same order, take the same route to work or the myriad of ways we are stuck in a pattern or routine.
It may help us remember to take our vitamins or to wind our children down for bed time, but it can be restrictive.
This month try to do things a little differently.
Use your left hand to brush your teeth. Have a spontaneous mid-morning tea with a friend who has been on your mind.
Put some music on and dance while you cook the dinner or wash the dishes.
It may sound silly, but it helps to tap into our creativity and playfulness each day.
No need to wait for retirement to have fun.
2 Take Action: With all the planets moving direct there is a rare window of opportunity to really take action.
So, try a bunch of things this month, kiss a few frogs and see what fuels your bliss.
If you try an art class and hate it, at least you tried.
Maybe it leads you into sculpture or something that does float your boat. What I am saying is do something, anything.
If you don’t know what it is that you want to be harvesting for your wholeness, just try.
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
3 Take Stock: Just as you would if you were a farmer and harvesting your literal stock, it would be time to take stock of what you can put away for the winter and what is just taking up valuable space in the pantry and needs to go.
Look in your closet and pantry cupboard to do this literally.
Then look at your relationships, priorities and patterns of behavior. Ask yourself, what of these is important to me?
Let go of the tin of black beans that have been there for 4 years.
Choose to release the business venture that is not in alignment with your heart’s desires…you get the idea.
My Website www.rainbowwisdom.co.za went live on the 20th of December.
Please remember to subscribe, like and comment to help me grow my business.
Please look me up on www.rainbowwisdom.co.za my facebook page and press like page. You can also follow me on Instagram at cindys_rainbow_wisdom
Much Love and Light