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Writer's pictureCindy

Rainbow Wisdom Newsletter September 2020

September for us in the Southern Hemisphere heralds in the Spring.

This year the 22 September is Spring Equinox in the south and Autumn Equinox in the north.

It is Virgo season, and that is our theme.

If you need a reminder about how this new astrological archetype theme works check out the last few newsletters in my blog.

Virgo, the Priestess

Virgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac bringing us to the halfway point of this extended theme.

As we have 12 signs, 3 Fire, 3 Earth, 3 Air and 3 Water.

Virgo is the 2nd of 3 Earth signs, and symbolised by the maiden, often called the virgin.

I just want to point out that in ancient times virgin meant priestess, not sexually chaste.

This beautiful earthy energy is practical, grounded, connected to nature, punctual, organized and good at finishing the job.

At their best that is.

If in shadow or out of balance this may look more like a perfectionist with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) who may be overly discerning.

Like Gemini, they are ruled by Mercury which is why Virgo people can be worry warts.

Mercury is the planet of the mind and those ruled by this planet will find it harder than others to quiet the mind.

Virgo rules digestion, the abdomen and nutrition.

It is the perfect time to look at your eating habits and tweak them to improve your absorption and digestion.

Also an opportunity to asses how you are metabolising your thoughts, feelings and the global experience right now.

If you have an anxious tummy, it is a clear sign you need to change something.

Harnessing Virgo…

Virgo is a sign dedicated to the service of others and there is a tendency to forget to tend to one’s self.

Look at where this shows up in your life.

Then take Virgo’s respect for boundaries and sacred space and set that up where needed.

Before you get sick from overdoing…yup, this resonates strongly for me and I am sure for many of you too.

Once Virgo energy gets stuck in the mental loop of perfection, a state that can never be achieved to their impossibly high standard, it can be hard to break.

Chances are you will start with self-flagellation, and if you don’t nip the thoughts in the bud you will begin to attack everyone in sight.

Likely with barbed judgments and criticism.

You will become overly discerning and this may show up as sexist, racist, classist or any other ist that fits!

Stop judging yourself or anyone else right now and read on for some solutions, if the shoe fits.

Spotlight Advice

Growing with Virgo

If you are resonating strongly with this Archetype then I am going to give you a few suggestions.

First to enhance the energy, second to sedate the energy and thirdly to enjoy the energy…lets jump in.

Action Steps

1) Enhancing Virgo: Get your spreadsheet on.

If you have strong Virgo, lists, spreadsheets, plans are fun, fun, fun, but also super effective.

Organise a new diet plan.

Plan back to school routine for kids.

2) Sedating Virgo: Look at the technology use in the home (kids and adults) and find a better balance of Tech and Nature.

The pulsating light from phones, TV’s and computers is not good for our nervous system, if not moderated it leads to anxiety and trouble sleeping.

Write some positive statements and stick them round the house.

When you find your worry loop going, flip to one of the new statements.

We can only hold one thought at time so it really helps to have your positive ‘Go To’ statement ready when you need it.

3) Enjoying Virgo: Get outside and do some gardening.

Find a fun and creative way to serve your family like cooking up some healthy recipes.

Anything in nature is fun for Virgo. Like I already mentioned this is an archetype that loves to organise so even Spring cleaning can be fun in Virgo season.

Contact me for more info on, personal coaching, healing, yoga or meditation.

I am doing yoga via Zoom Monday at 10:30, Wednesday 17:30 and Thursday at 8am.

2020 Thrive Consultation

This consultation will help you better understand your personal numbers and some major astrological influences in your birth chart, as well as your strengths and challenges in the year ahead.

In this consultation, you will also get tools to support your journey to a better you.

Get your reading at a price of R450 or USD65

(includes a 40 min consult where I will explain what I have already worked out for you regarding your personal year number, 7 personality numbers, sun, moon ascendant and which area of your life is most affected by the conjunction)

I am globally available, via the wonderful digital world in which we live. So, make a booking asap to get your new year going in the right direction, book a “2020 THRIVE “Consultation.

Astrology Buzz

Virgo August 23rd to September 22nd

Try to stay grounded…Mars is coming in hot. More on that below.

Libra September 23rd to October 22nd brings a little lightness but air can also fuel the fire.

As there is much focus already on Virgo this month and Libra next month, I am going to cover the Mars Retrograde.

Mars is having a really long process in one of his home signs, Aries.

He arrived in Aries on June 28th and will be there for much longer than his usual 2 months per sign. Staying 6 months, due to going retrograde, till Jan 27th 2021.

Mars then enters retrograde on the 9th of September to 14th November.

He only goes retrograde every 18 months or so.

Mars is the warrior, the initiator.

It is time to take action to our new relationship with ourselves, others, our work, the planet.

There is a squaring off right now of Mars and the Capricorn counsel (Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter).

For those who have had my readings you will know where in your life (natal chart) this will be showing up.

If you look where Aries falls in your chart you will see where his influence will be most felt.

2020 Thrive Consultation

This consultation will help you better understand your personal numbers and some major astrological influences in your birth chart, as well as your strengths and challenges in the year ahead.

In this consultation, you will also get tools to support your journey to a better you.

Get your reading at a price of R450 or USD65

(includes a 40 min consult where I will explain what I have already worked out for you regarding your personal year number, 7 personality numbers, sun, moon ascendant and which area of your life is most affected by the conjunction)

I am globally available, via our wonderful digital world in which we live. So, make a booking asap to get your new year going in the right direction, book a “2020 THRIVE “Consultation.

Full Moon is in Pisces on the 3rd opposing the Sun in Virgo. The Pisces/Virgo axis has a lot to do with questions around my dreams, intuition and fantasy (Pisces) vs logic, service to others and the material world (Virgo).

Questions you may ask yourself in Pisces/Virgo;

How can I take practical steps to achieve my dreams?

How can I attend to the daily details and still have the dream of ‘my best life?’

How can I balance work and rest?

With my dream of perfect health, what can I implement daily to achieve it?

If even one of these triggers you on some level, take the time to think about it, journal or meditate on it.

These are powerful tools or self-development.

Please remember I am a guide from the side, you are the sage on your stage.

It is up to you to feel what resonates and remember there are many more ways this lesson may manifest for you than the ones I have mentioned.

New Moon: August Dark Moon in Virgo on the 17th comes after all that tug of war between the two opposing signs of Pisces/Virgo.

At this point we go quiet.

We move inward and we do an authentic accounting with ourselves around all the Virgo traits.

Where do these traits reflect strongly in my life?

How do I feel about that?

How can I strengthen or dilute this in myself?

These types of practices are powerful tools, to help you co-create the life you choose.

Don’t know where to begin? Contact me and I will get you started.

Red Tent is the perfect way for women to reconnect with the wisdom of old, that is our birth right.

The world in a home revolves around the woman at the center of it.

She holds each member under her roof, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.

She holds her friends, her pets, her plants.

If she is not nurturing her own needs, how is she to be this challis, this safe space for those she loves?

Let us hold you.

We have now officially gone global too.

Crystal picks for September

Virgo Theme

Moss Agate is known as the midwife’s stone, helping to get contractions strong and regular for birthing.

I love this with Virgo for several reasons.

Firstly, this archetype is the ideal midwife, as a healer in service to others. Secondly, birth is no easy process, and is usually proceeded by a death of sorts (metaphorically of course).

Lastly Virgo is the maiden (Cancer the mother, and Pisces the wise old woman) and thus it is a birth into the newness of life.

If this year has taught us anything it is that the old way must die and a new one be born.

Use Moss Agate to midwife you through this process.

Smokey Quartz like moss agate, has a strong connection to the earth and helps us to get grounded and centered.

‘Slow down, get focused, go outside and anchor yourself in nature’ says old Smokey.

In that state of mind, we get a kind of clarity.

And then use the Virgo to put a plan into action.

Kyanite will help to get you out of your head and into your intuition.

Virgo can be so busy getting things organised they forget to read a situation energetically and that can put the nervous system under stress.

Kyanite is also great and balancing your whole chakra system and energy field.

Added bonus is it doesn’t need to be cleansed.

Aromas of the month

ZenGest and Black Spruce are my pics for the month of Virgo.

Digestion is an area of concern for Virgo, and the best oil in my toolbox for that is doTERRA’s proprietary blend ZenGest.

It is a combination of anise, peppermint, ginger, caraway, coriander, tarragon and fennel.

This magical blend will sort you out fast. It can be applied topically or taken internally.

Only doTERRA with its CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) should be taken internally.

The next Virgo pick is Black Spruce and this will calm and ground that over striving inner critic, which leaves you exhausted and disconnected.

Time to use its restorative properties to realign.

These two oils will take you from the fight or flight of the sympathetic nervous system into the parasympathetic, rest, digest and heal.

Tummy Tamer – add a drop of ZenGest to a mug of hot water at night and drink as a herbal tea. If you don’t like that liquorice flavour you could take it in a veg cap. Also add a drop to a teaspoon of fractionated coconut oil (or another carrier) and rub clockwise over the belly. Always clockwise circles so you are going in the direction of your digestion.

Calm and Grounded– add 1 drop Black Spruce to your palm, rub hands together and then cup your face and breathe deeply and slowly. Simple, fast and effective.

Note: How Fast do Essential oils work?

It takes 22 seconds for the molecules to reach the brain

In 2 minutes, Essential oils will be found in the bloodstream

By 20 minutes they will affect every cell in the body

SAMPLE ALERT – I love to sample for FREE those who are keen to try out my magical oily friends. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like to be sampled.

Remember to write your blends in your blend book so you remember what you liked and what you didn’t.

If you are keen to get hold of these magical oils, find me on this link

I am offering my guided meditations for free at this trying time. If you are interested please do not hesitate to mail me and I will add you to a meditation Whatsapp group. Meditation can shift not only how you cope, but how we all do so I would love to share my gift for guiding meditations as much as I can.

However, for those who are in a position to do so and who find my meditations valuable donations will appreciated.

Contact me for any queries about what I have to offer.

Please look me up on my facebook page and press like page. You can also follow me on Instagram at cindys_rainbow_wisdom

Please remember to Subscribe, Like and Comment to help me grow my business.

Much Love and Light


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